Campaign for Trade Union Freedom
Campaign group to enhance trade unionism, oppose the anti-union laws and promote collective bargaining.
Union Solidarity International
Linking trade union activists around the world
National Shop Stewards Network
A Network for rank and file trade union activists from across the UK.
Stop the War Coalition
Stop the War was founded in September 2001 in the weeks following 9/11, when George W. Bush announced the “war on terror”. Stop the War has since been dedicated to preventing and ending the wars in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya and elsewhere.
Cuba Solidarity Campaign
The Cuba Solidarity Campaign is broad based and has more than 5,000 members, affiliated organisations and local groups. Together we lobby MPs and government, organise solidarity brigades specialist tours and exchanges, and work to build links and better understanding between Britain and Cuba.
Amnesty International
A worldwide movement of people who campaign for human rights.
Palestine Solidarity Campaign
Palestine Solidarity Campaign (PSC) is a community of people working together for peace, equality, and justice and against racism, occupation, and colonisation.
Hope not Hate
The HOPE not hate campaign was founded in 2004 to provide a positive antidote to the politics of hate. Trade Unions are at the heart of the campaign and have a proud track record in standing up to the politics of hate promoted by the BNP and EDL, and now by UKIP. We do this because we care about the communities in which we work and the people who live within them.
War on Want
War on Want works to achieve a vision of a just world, through our mission to fight against the root causes of poverty and human rights violation, as part of the worldwide movement for global justice.
Stand Up to Racism
We are the majority and we will stand up to racism.
Justice for Colombia
For Peace and Social Justice in Colombia.
Ukraine Solidarity Campaign
The Ukraine Solidarity Campaign seeks to organise solidarity and provide information in support of the Ukrainian labour movement.
Disability Labour
We are a Socialist Society affiliated to the Labour Party.
Solidarity With Iranian Workers Movement

The aims of the Committee are to mobilise union and labour groups in support of the revolutionary uprising and workers’ protests in Iran and in opposition to the Islamic Republic of Iran’s rights violations and executions.
London Hazards Campaign

London Hazards Centre was established as a company and a charity in 1984 and has been helping Londoners enforce their right to live and work in safe, healthy environments ever since.
Woodcraft Folk

We are a movement for children and young people, open to everyone from birth to adult. Woodcraft Folk offers a place where children will grow in confidence, learn about the world and start to understand how to value our planet and each other.