Campaign for union recognition at Google launched

The Joint Unite & UTAW Google organising committee has formally launched its campaign to secure joint union recognition for Googlers working in the UK. 

Both Unite & the CWU UTAW branch have agreed to work together in the interests of Googlers.

This campaign is supported by officials from both unions, but it is first and foremost a campaign run by Googlers, for Googlers.

Following the mass layoffs of 2023, the ongoing re-orgs and concerns about the GRAD, comp and disciplinary/grievance processes, Googlers need a meaningful, effective and genuinely independent collective voice to negotiate and consult with management. 

In the UK only trade unions can provide this collective voice.

What can I do?

Google employees can sign the petition in support of union recognition at Google UK:

Unite the Union & the Communication Workers Union (UTAW Branch) are asking your employer to recognise it for collective bargaining.

We have to show the Central Arbitration Committee that a majority of workers favour our joint application. If you want your employer to recognise Unite & the CWU for collective bargaining covering Pay, Hours & Holidays, please sign the petition.

Got questions?

This FAQ addresses some common questions Googlers are asking. We cover the following questions in the FAQ:

  • What is union recognition?
  • Why is union recognition important?
  • How would the negotiations work?
  • Does this mean everyone in a given role would get paid the same?
  • Don’t we already have a Googler Forum?
  • How do we get union recognition?
  • What are the bargaining units in Google?
  • Which union would be recognised?
  • Isn’t recognition for just pay, hours & holidays too limiting?
  • Will I get laid off if I sign the petition?
  • Are you going to expect me to go out on strike and lose pay / be unpopular?
  • How will my union membership fee be spent? What is the relationship between the unions and political parties?
  • How does this affect Googlers in other countries?
  • How will union recognition affect health and safety within Google?
  • Will union recognition stop me raising concerns and discussing things directly with my manager?
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